Saturday, January 4, 2020

Summary Of The Lesson Of Life - 767 Words

Timmy Ginn Dr. Byington CE Composition I 08 March, 2016 The Lesson of Life â€Å"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in† (Albom, 46). Life is a crazy thing. We are all thrown into it, are forced to experience it. Life is what we make of it. Two very intelligent men at the end of their life tried to convey this point. These two men live on through their teachings in Tuesdays with Morrie and Pausch’s final lecture. In these teachings two men follow the same essential theme, getting everything out of life. Despite that, the execution the two men chose are quite different. The most obvious difference between the two is the way their lives were ending. Both of them were reaching the end, but on very different paths. Morrie died of ALS, an illness that causes the victim to slowly lose the use of their body, leading to paralysis. But Morrie also had asthma, meaning once the disease reached his lungs he was done for. â€Å"The lump in his form was so withered that I almost thought there was something missing. He was as small as a child† (Albom, 163). While on the other hand Pausch was in almost perfect health. He could do push ups and run around. He was fit and seemingly perfect. But he had tumors in his liver that couldn t be removed. This meant even though he was healthy, he only had a few months to live. In addition, the way they taught their points were quite different. Morrie always spoke about hard points, points that we often didn’tShow MoreRelatedWhy Greek Mythology Is Still Relevant Today And Why We Still Use It1588 Words   |  7 Pagespopular everyday items that we use in our life sometimes, are inspired by Greek mythology. Sports brands, movies and T.V shows, the most complicated technology, books and many more, are all examples of Greek Mythology. 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