Friday, May 15, 2020

The Importance Of Corporate Social Responsibility Development

Introduction Recent decades have witnessed the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility development in business landscapeï ¼Å'which is defined as be responsibility to all corporation activities with environment sustainable. Whether a small enterprise or a multinational company, CSR is an integral part of company to promote brand imageï ¼Å'enhance social harmony. And it also become a standard of company working measurement. Internallyï ¼Å'the CSR activities give staff respect and welfare, and for external which can maintain public order. However, in short term, corporation can not receive any direct profit from CSR activities, even there may reduce income. The importance of CSR With the changing of world, sustainable development is one of a core conversation of currency, and fulfilling Corporate Social Responsibility is the best way to establish corporation image. By linking CSR and brand, companies have numerous advantages, including strengthening of the company s brand image or its products and services, which contributes to achievement of good business results, making loyal customers, increasing their satisfaction, retaining good reputation, increasing of demand for products(Dunia, Milica 2014). For instance, CSR is significant for food enterprises particularly, McDonald ´s as an example of corporation which is persistent in keeping the fundamental principles of safe, reassuring, quality namely, cleanliness and valuable products and service. 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